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2015-12-24 09:23:05 来源:防爆配电箱里IP56指的是什么?依客思为你解答什么是防护等级
What does IP56 mean in the explosion-proof distribution box? According to customer thinking for you to answer what is the level of protection
Protection level: refers to prevent foreign objects from falling into the internal shell and the ability to prevent internal water immersion. It is very important that the shell has the corresponding protection level to keep the explosion-proof safety performance of the explosion-proof motor. The protection level of the enclosure is represented by the IP code and the following two digit numbers.
The number first said that the anti material level, digital second bitsrepresents waterproof grade. GB208 will prevent outside shell level is divided into 6 levels, the waterproof grade is divided into 8 levels.
For example: the protection level of the BEP56-4K explosion-proof distribution box IP55, the first 5 said dustproof grade 5 level (can not completely prevent dust immersion, however, the amount of dust entering shall not the normal operation of the machine, should not affect safe); the second five said waterproof grade to grade 5 (outward shell each direction of spraying water should not have harmful effects on motor).
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