• 技术文章


    2016-07-29 09:06:18  来源:
    a) 核对配套元件的额定电压、额定电流、接通和分断能力参数是否符合技术规范表的要求。
    b) 所配电器元件均应有合格证,强制认证的产品应有认证标志。
    c) 同型号同规格的元器件应采用同一生产厂生产的同一安装尺寸的产品。
    d) 电器元件的合格证,使用说明书、附件、备件等在开箱验收后应有专人妥善保管。
    3)柜体结构在成套装配的部分,应符合要求,如铰链和门的开启应转动灵活,开启角度不得小于90°,在开闭过程中不应损坏 喷涂层。门的缝隙应调整一致,箱体同一缝隙均匀差<1mm,平行缝隙均匀关<2mm

    According to the guest thought BEP56 explosion-proof power distribution box production overall process and the basic requirements of operation
    1, the operation process
    2, according to the guest BEP56 explosion-proof power distribution box basic installation requirements
    (1) the installation of spare parts (components, shelving, fasteners, standard parts, etc.) must be after inspection of qualified products.
    (2) to ensure that the correct assembly, unity, integrity.
    A) check the form a complete set of components of the rated voltage, rated current, connected and breaking capability parameters conform to the requirements of technical specification table.
    B) distributor elements are shall have the certificate of approval for the compulsory certification product certification marks.
    C) the same model with the specifications of the components should be used in the same factory production of products of the same installation size.
    D) electrical components of the certificate of approval, instruction for use, accessories, spare parts, etc. After unpacking acceptance should be properly safe-keeping.
    (3) the structure of cabinet put oneself in another's position in the complete set of assembly parts, should comply with the requirements, such as hinge should be flexible rotation over the opening of the door, opening Angle shall not be less than 90 °, should not be damaged in the process of opening and closing spray layer. Door should be adjusted, the cracks in the box the same aperture uniform < 1 mm, parallel cracks even close < 2 mm.
    (4) all of the components installed on the frame bracket, can not have loose, components should be tidy and beautiful, not skewed, should according to manufacturer's instructions (using conditions, the electric clearance, arcing distance, etc.) required for installation. Should use the normal installation and wire connection, its function is not damaged or misoperation due to interaction.
    (5) to fixed electric components and wires are contained in the cabinet of fasteners should be tightened, screw should be tightened without slippage and damage the phenomenon such as coating, and shall have the locking measure, screw, bolt end out of nut part 2-5 retaining pitch, does not allow below the nut facing, components don't connection on the screws should be tightened. Fasteners should be of the same element using the same standard number, the same kind of standard parts after processing.
    (6) low voltage power distribution equipment of electrical clearance and creepage distance of 12 mm to 20 mm.
    (7) product nameplate fixed solid, smooth, regular, content must be complete and conform to the regulations of the product technical requirements and related standards and requirements, the nameplate on the electrical components handwriting, labeling should be clear.
    (8) skeleton cabinet put oneself in another's position should ensure a reliable electrical grounding, after spray paint products in front of the pack ground wire must be thoroughly scraper painting processing, and should be obvious grounding symbol. Grounding screw should not be less than M12, a grounding device adopts braided copper flat wire, but must have a grounding mark (grounding sign or color code). Pressure joint lining tin, cross section is not less than 32 mm.
    (9) pay attention to civilization production, electrical accessories of handling transfer shall be handled with great care, not to knock against each other, the installation process, be careful not to touch the bad cabinet put oneself in another's position, and electrical accessories paint and coating, product installation, inside should be clean, no other marks and sundry.

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