• BT35-11-8/380V 工厂仓库办公室住宅内通风换气防爆轴流风机管道式依客思


     品牌:依客思  型号:BT35-11-8/380V  加工定制:是  
     材质:铸铁  风机压力:208PA  电压:380V  
     轴功率:2.2 kw 叶片数:4  重量:12 kg 
     输入功率:2.2K w 转速:960 r/mim 风量:24739M3/H  
    BT35-11-8/380V 工厂仓库办公室住宅内通风换气防爆轴流风机管道式依客思
    Bt35-11-8/380v Factory warehouse office residential ventilation explosion-proof axial-flow fan pipe ekesi
    BT35-11-8/380V 工厂仓库办公室住宅内通风换气防爆轴流风机管道式依客思
    Bt35-11-8/380v Factory warehouse office residential ventilation explosion-proof axial-flow fan pipe ekesiBT35-11-8/380V 工厂仓库办公室住宅内通风换气防爆轴流风机管道式依客思→风机安装说明

    ◆ 安装前应详细检查风机是否有损坏变形,如有损坏变形,待修理妥善后,方可进行安装。

    ◆ 安装时要注意检查各不如部分有无松动,叶片与风筒间隙应均匀,不得相碰。

    ◆ 连接风口管道的重量不应由风机的风筒承受,安装时应另加支撑。

    ◆ 在风机风口端必须装集风器,并安装防护网。

    ◆ 风机底座必须与地基平面自然接合,不得敲打底座强制联接,以防底座变形,安装时应校正机座,加垫铁片、保持水平位置,然后拧紧地脚螺栓。

    ◆ 安装完毕后,必须先进行实验,待运行正常后,才允许正式使用。

    Bt35-11-8/380v Factory warehouse office residential ventilation explosion-proof axial flow fan pipe type yikeisi fan installation instructions
    Before installation, check whether the fan is damaged or deformed. If there is damage or deformation, it can be installed only after proper repair.
    The installation should pay attention to check whether the parts are loose, blade and air duct clearance should be uniform, not to touch.
    The weight of the pipe connecting the tuyere should not be borne by the air duct of the fan, and should be supported during installation.
    The air collector must be installed at the tuyere end of the fan and the protective net must be installed.
    ◆ The fan base must naturally engage with the foundation plane. It is not allowed to force the connection by beating the base to prevent the base from deformation. During installation, the base should be corrected, and iron plates should be added to keep the horizontal position, and then the anchor bolts should be tightene
    After the installation, you must carry out the experiment first, until the normal operation, to allow formal use.
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