• 依客思人体静电释放报警仪防爆BXCQ释放柱 BXCQ


     品牌:依客思  型号:BXCQ  加工定制:是  
     立杆材质:304不锈钢  立杆直径:35MM  立杆壁厚:1.5MM  
     触摸球直径:90MM  响应时间:小于1S  报警方式:语音  

      (1)接触-分离或活动带电 人体行走、投放采样绳、摩擦滤布、塑料桶倾倒粉体或石油产品、清釜作业等,人体会积聚静电。
      (2)感应带电 粉体下料包装或传送塑料薄膜、橡胶带、无纺棉,以及汽车或容器未接地装卸介质等,附近人体会感应带电。
      (3)吸附或捕集带电,触摸带电介质带电 在静电喷涂、蒸汽吹扫、水雾喷射、粉尘飞扬、喷溅加油等场所作业,人体会捕集荷电“微粒”带电;当人体接触传送带等荷电介质或未接地容器时,也会带电。
    人体静电释放报警仪、人体静电消除装置、人体静电释放装置 销往山东-河北-河南-安徽-辽宁-江苏-江西-河南-浙江-辽宁-天津-大连-新疆-甘肃-四川-广东-广西-福建-湖北-湖南-重庆-云南-宁夏-内蒙古-吉林-上海-贵州-陕西-山西等全国各地.
    **Electrostatic Charging Methods of the Human Body** (1) **Contact-Separation or Activity Charging The human body can accumulate static electricity during activities such as walking, handling sampling ropes, rubbing filter cloths, tipping plastic buckets filled with powders or petroleum products and cleaning reactors. (2) **Induction Charging:** People near operations like packaging powders, conveying plastic films, rubber belts, non-woven cotton, ungrounded loading or unloading of vehicles or containers, can experience induction charging. (3) **Adsorption or Capture Charging, Touching Charged Media In work environments with electrostatic spraying, steam blowing, water mist spraying, dust flying, and fuel splashing, the human body can capture charged "particles" to charging; touching charged media or ungrounded containers can also result in charging. **BXCQ Explosion-Proof Human Body Static Discharge Alarm** is stainless steel device for controlled static electricity discharge. It features a passive circuit system that allows the human body to discharge its accumulated static electricity in a controlled, balanced pressure and balanced current manner to the ground, thereby preventing potential fire hazards from static discharge. It is easy to install, operates stably, and discharges static electricity. It is widely used in industries such as chemical, electronic, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, reagents, paints, coatings, flammable and explosive materials, metall, and oil fields. It is made of special conductive plastic materials that effectively extend the discharge time of static electricity, ensuring safe energy release. During the static discharge period, it ensures no electric shock sensation, no spark generation, and eliminates the risk of fire or explosion caused by static electricity. It also features a " Discharge Body Static" warning sign, which is aesthetically pleasing and provides strong support for safe production. The touch ball is made of conductive plastic, can slowly release static electricity, providing high safety, and can both eliminate static electricity and alarm. **Human Body Static Discharge Alarm, Human Body Static Elimination, Human Body Static Discharge Device** are sold in various parts of China, including Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Lia, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Liaoning, Tianjin, Dalian, Xinjiang, Gansu, Sichuan, Guang, Guangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Jilin,, Guizhou, Shaanxi, and Shanxi.
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